Editor's Choice
Theme: Love

Flood of Tears

A flood of tears has risen, O moon, 
In the sea of pain
It has filled it to the brim
Through this flood
Two shores meet and communicate
My boat was at anchor in a familiar place
It has lost its moorings
Now it is driven by the wind
To an unknown shore
All the travellers crossed the sea

But in a bewildering light
I have lost all directions
In a spontaneous pull of losing the way
I wildly drift
One who is madly amused
To make me travel along lost ways
Laughs in the dark.

Transcreation of the love song – O chand, chokher jaler laglo jowar dukher parabare – by Rabindranath Tagore. Best recording of this marvelous song is by Debabrata Biswas.
The original song with notation is at http://www.rabindra-rachanabali.nltr.org/node/5477


More By  :  Kumud Biswas

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