Tranquil, sunny and playful
The weather is in a flirtatious mood
Throwing perfect patterns and hues
With captivating brightness
The lush blue-green water's surface mirrors
The hills, clouds, trees, expansive resorts
Promenading tourists, irritable locals
Disturbed by the seasonal maddening rush
Honeymooning couples in boats
Vivacious and beaming
Conjuring intimate expectations
Of romantic liaisons
Young visitors
Ransacking the historical monuments
Carve 'I Love You'
Slicing their way into history
Elderly keep fastidious accounts
Of expenses incurred
Comparing costs
When they were young
Young boarders in neat rows
Spill on the Mall road
Eyeing the fashionable crowd
Feel trapped in their stiff uniforms
The local businessmen
Flushed with success
Forget they cursed their deity
For being mean the previous season
The frail, tiny hill-station
Trampled with thousand footfalls
Craves for the idyll to end
To have a fleeting vacation.