I ventured out to find a puddle,
But I found myself in a muddle,
As I saw a paper boat sailing in its water.
I went to the edge of a pool
And thought I was a fool
As the fishes swam merrily in its water
Then I thought of the lake,
But a decision I couldn’t make
As I saw the swans in its water.
Stagnation made me run
And run I did to the river
But the pace of the river gave me a shiver
And I bade good-bye to its waters.
Now I came to the majestic sea,
I got lost in its splendor.
The crashing waves beckoned me
And I got a feeling of grandeur
Then again my conscience pricked me
As I thought of the salt in the sea,
I couldn’t add more to its water!!!
Finally, I told myself,
‘Keep smiling girl and have no fears,
Coz, this world has no place for your tears.