Where did the forest go daddy?
Where did the warblers go mommy?
We don't know honey
Six billion and growing–no room for nature
More homes, cars, planes, and ships
Carnage along the road, in the air, and on the sea
More toxins and congestion to endure
Why must this be–can we not see
More CO2 and the days are getting warmer
Ice caps melting…coral reefs dying
Politicians turn away and count their contributions
Where did the forest go daddy?
Where did the warblers go mommy?
We don't know honey
Six billion and growing–no room for nature
The garden is God's enduring inspiration and teacher
"Fill the Earth and subdue it"…accomplished three times over
"Take care of it"…killing thousands of species a year
Our life-support system
People say, my children are smarter and must be born
Yet, the smart people have caused the most harm
Breeding wars erupt…adoption and other nurturing alternatives ignored
Where did the forest go daddy?
Where did the warblers go mommy?
We don't know honey
Six billion and growing–no room for nature
More technology, economic expansion, and war to save us
Living on a finite planet
Ignorance, arrogance, and apathy
Why must this be…can we not see
Where did the animals go papa?
Where did the butterflies go mama?
We don't know honey
Six billion and growing–-no room for nature