Editor's Choice
Theme: Mother


Mom, you gave me this beautiful life, I am so grateful to you,
I can’t imagine the tough times you might have gone through,
So many sacrifices you must have made for my upbringing,
Mom, you are my Goddess, I can’t thank you enough, for everything!
Mom, you smile at me hiding all your pain behind those eyes,
Your warmth, your loving, cosy lap is no less than paradise,
You’ve raised me with the best possible efforts you could give,
Mom, without your selfless love and care, how could I live?!
Mom, when the whole world is against me, you’re still with me,
You wipe away my tears, you pull me up from any awful misery.
You pick me up from every distress whenever I have been hurled,
Mom, Happy Birthday, I wish you all the happiness in the world!


More By  :  Rupradha Mookerjee

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