Editor's Choice
Theme: Cloud

The Floating Messenger

Of the flowing white cauliflower cumulus cloud,
Or the black rain bearing nimbus one.
Or the thin wafting cirrus type,
And the low-lying stratus one.
I am on an airy trip,
Like to wander here and there.
With nothing particular in mind,
Jumping around, others may stare.
Like to see where the sun rises from,
Or the red end of the rainbow.
I can flee in a moment’s blink,
I am forever on the go.
The mighty blue ocean looks so vast,
And the snowy hills so low.
I rest for some time there,
But never do I bow.
Some huge birds of iron do pass me by,
Tearing me apart so they say,
Little do they know in their pride,
I stand aside and give them way.
I shout and shriek sometimes,
Threatening all to surrender.
I then smile and pass by,
They say: Oh what a thunder!
Floating through the endless blue,
I am heavy as well as light.
For some a matter of relief,
When I cover the sun so bright.
When I pour through the grassy lands,
And the leaves turn so green.
The brown earth looks so young,
Never so happy before it had been.
I am the carrier of water and life,
And for some a matter of despair.
I also carry the message of hope,
For I am the floating messenger.


More By  :  Abhishek Goswami

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