Theme: Human

From A Human Being To Being Human(e)

Dead tired on journey of life 
The body rests in silence, in peace;
Beyond the door of death
Soul has a retreat into Eternity
From the chamber of flesh and blood.

Released fine, refined, purged off dirges
Soul sees another Life 
With eternal force, in infinite flow
Of blissful moments 
With no time-space continuum
In celestial realm of primordial Energy 
Where all merge
Finally as, into, and with One--
The cosmic Divine source.

Life and death are just two dots
Connected with a rope of hope
Of love, humanity and peace;
In between lies man's perennial striving
Out of mundane struggles of hell
To become the total man

From a human being to being human(e)
That unlocks the door to Heaven!


More By  :  Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar

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