Theme: Gratitude


The water
Is running
I'm thankful

The toilet
Is flushing
I'm thankful

The heating
Is working
I'm thankful

Those bulbs
Are beaming
I'm so thankful

The sun is
Not shining
I'm still thankful
For it will shine
Some other day
Like it has on
Many a day....

I'm breathing
I'm seeing
I'm walking
I'm sitting....
I'm thinking
I'm feeling
For all these
I'm so thankful

The taps,
The showers
The oven,
The grill
The hob for
For all these
I'm so thankful

I'm thankful
To those
Great inventors
Who worked
Tirelessly to
Make our lives
And also to
Those utility
That work
To keep us

I'm also thankful
To the greatest
Creator - God
Almighty for
Putting his science
Into my body
Through which
I can see,
Hear, taste
And feel
The wonders
Of this wonderful
World with all my
Senses, the aura
Of which sometimes
Makes me lose my

The beautiful sea
The beautiful hills
The lakes, rivers
Mountains and valleys
The endless discoveries
Of this magical world
That makes me feel
Thankful and grateful
To be a part of this
Beautiful world....


More By  :  Aparna Chatterjee

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