Theme: Lights


And flashing
Lights don't do
Us any good

They affect
Our eyes,
Giving us

Instead of
The dancer's
They impede the
Show, fading the
Performer's glow
Adding to the
Audience's woe

If the dance is good
Let it happen with
Minimal lighting, good
Enough for the dancer
Not to trip and fall,
To see the stage,
And enthrall us all....

And we can enjoy
His performances without
Having to squirm our eyes
To avoid the glaring lights
Of strobes and flashes that
Do no good to the dancer
And his audiences

If the dance is outstanding
Let the dancer glow in his
Exquisite pirouettes
Instead of ending up
Being a mere shadow
In the excessive lights
That flood the stage,
Consuming needless
Energy and sapping
Our energy, adversely
Affecting our minds
And eyes, limiting our
Vision and enjoyment
Of this artistic creation
That we choose to see
As a way of recreation

Let aesthetics prevail
And subtleties too....
And let the organisers
Know that in any
Stage-show, talent
Should shine....
Instead of strobe lights
And flashes that make us
Whinge and whine :-(
(wrote this after my eyes were aching on seeing a TV show that featured good, talented dancers; however much I wanted to watch the show, the strobes and flashes were really annoying me and I've decided not to watch any future episodes of this show)


More By  :  Aparna Chatterjee

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