They say everyone should dream
Dream about their future, dream about a good life.
Akin to a plant, nurture them and let them fertilize.
I believe, dreaming alone is a waste of time
If not coupled with hard work & the drive to make those dreams come alive!
Sitting by the window, watching a family of sparrows build their nest,
I realized even they have had a dream of building a home, a family,
A place they could call their own and live happily.
They were at it tirelessly the entire day,
One keeping a vigilant watch, one getting the hay.
Such tiny birds they were, but taught me a lot that day
Never to stop dreaming, never to give up midway
I thank almighty for creating this nature around me,
From each and every species, I believe I have a lesson to seek.
What I learnt that day was to never give up dreaming,
Coz dreams are the first steps to a bright beginning! |