As I turn back the pages of my diary A feeling of utter nostalgia I sense When I recall the golden moments of my life All those glorious moments and memorable instances
Gone with the wind are those days of old When I whistled along with the rising sun Watched birds open their wings to nature's call And heard the world stirring to join life's run
Those hours I'd spent with music and melody My heart singing and dancing in its rain Beating faster to the moving rhythm Probably skipping a beat now and then
Those minutes that passed ever so slowly As the strained eyes searched for the sign Of spring and sunshine, blossoms and rain To come and grant all wishes of mine
Those seconds in which I'd forgotten myself Gaping at nature's wonderful creations When I felt I were a part of their soul Unable to take charge of most of my emotions
Will I ever sense such happiness again Will spring bring me as much joy Could I recapture those innocent feelings Of a young heart, pure, naive and shy!