Theme: City

Birds and I in a Metro City

A leafless tree around
While belly-bird flies in search 
Of a soothing perch
With high hopes in heart
Untired, from pillar to post.

My eyes have red sores
Around the dark pupil
While exploring long stretches 
Of a crowded sea
Of the tides with blinkers.

In deep silence
My mind is numbed and dumb
But the heart rhymes
With theirs, lost on the track
Of life in a metro city.

Tired birds and I
Both meet the same fate:
Homeless yet hopeful
Brooding in pensive silence
On the blue horizon.

Orbs of lights dissolve
In dead darkness
Yet the stormy night ends, 
Giving way 
To advent of the morning.


More By  :  Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar

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