Theme: Celebration

December the Merry Days

December the merry days
I celebrate, celebrate and only celebrate
December the gift days
I take, take and only take
December the funny days
I enjoy, enjoy and only enjoy.

This enjoyment never ends
Even after New Year
And then a little sincerity and dedication
And next fun all the day.

First Papa’s birthday
Neighbors and we get together
We distribute cakes and sweets
And then receive some gifts

Next Mom’s birthday
We forgot about that
But Mom’s remarkable cooking
Made all of us glad

Then came Christmas stars
We prepared cakes and chocolates
We gave gifts
Then comes the New Year

Now when New Year has come
We started a fresh day
Then forgot our past
And found a beautiful start

Now with so many days to cheer for
We can’t help forget the sad days.


More By  :  Sonali Patnaik

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