Theme: Story

Lazy Worker!

Dreaming of a flying horse
A king invites workers from far and near.
None dares to call the king a crazy jester,
As he lured them with prizes big.

But one craftsman apprised him,
'I will make you the flying horse,
So, Lord, give me half the amount first.’
The king gave him also two years to make,
On a condition he will be hanged otherwise.
A year passes when the king made a review.
‘Oh, Lord, look at my wooden horse,
It is only half done with wings in the making.’

The threat hanging over the head
With just a year left, his friends made fun,
‘Hey guy, you are done for good.
How on earth will you get wings for a horse?’
Still our man says
'Wait, anything can happen:
I might even make the horse fly.'
The king called him for the last time
And our man pleads,
"Lord, now I’m...
Waiting for the machine to arrive
That will make my wooden horse fly!"

A day was all that is left
And his wife cries hoarse.
Assures his dear wife our lazy man,
He got still 24 hours left,
And anything would happen in that.

He slept off soundly without a worry.
That night invades a neighboring king,
Kills the king and annex the empire.
Our lazy worker lives happily thereafter.


More By  :  Seshu Chamarty

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