Editor's Choice
Theme: Friend

Not Forsaken

Eyes pinned on the seam

between belief and betrayal

She scans existence - 

Not even a mirage

in the dunes of hopelessness.


Spirit parched and grainy

she awaits the gale of gloom

to blow her off sanity’s edge,

When rises a dim spectre

Hazy beyond recognition


Stricken nerves begin pulsating

Ebbing courage creeps forward

Faith advances - slow but sure -

Held precious and steadfast

In a friend’s warm heart. 


More By  :  Shernaz Wadia

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Comments on this Poem

Great to hear from you Mallick! Always grateful to you for your appreciation and unstinting praise. Regards,

03-Feb-2020 08:04 AM

Comment Deep thoughts. I admire your compositions. Thank you, Shernaz.

Kumaendra Mallick
03-Feb-2020 07:26 AM

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