Editor's Choice
Theme: Again


He says
He wants
To marry me
Again in his
Next birth
As he can't
Imagine living
Without me
In any birth 

He also
Lives in 
The fear
Of losing me
To death
In this birth

As for me,
I don't quite
Believe in
Or rebirth,
But if there is,
May this be my
Last birth,
Even if my
Next birth
Could be
Nicer, happier,
Richer and
Finer, as they
Say, grass on
The other side
Is always greener

Yet I believe
I've had enough
Of life in this birth
And don't want to
Take a rebirth....

Free from
All the births
And deaths,
I want to
RIP to my
Soul forever,


More By  :  Aparna Chatterjee

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