Theme: Introspection


Back, she
Sees, how
Much stressful
Was her school

So after
She doesn't
Feel like
Going back
To school



(Since the lockdown started in March 2020, many schools have been closed here in the UK for all pupils except for children of key workers like nurses and doctors. Initially, my daughter took some time to settle down in her new home routine as she has always been very diligent about going to school, and even when she has been under the weather, she has still tried her best not to miss school as she always worries about falling behind on homework and classwork. She has always been a good student and scored well in all her primary and secondary school years. In September 2020, she'll be in Year/Class 12. But she's now so used to her relaxing home routine of reading, writing, painting, dancing, walking, exercising and many other creative activities that keep her busy, that she doesn't like to go back to the rigours of school life, wherein she has to abide by deadlines for task submissions, do numerous class tests and loads of home assignments as she studies in a Grammar School that makes their students work hard to maintain good grades. She now loves being at home but here education is compulsory till one is 18, and so like it or not, she has to attend school.)


More By  :  Aparna Chatterjee

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