"Puja is coming", what a feeling! Year in and year out, we look to this day, like others do for Id and Christmas.
Is it religion really? As far as the Puja is concerned, it is the best time of the year: The lush green of the field, and the harvest, and the clearest sky of the year when all dust particles of the atmosphere have been washed down by the just gone rains. Spirit is high. So you want to thank the almighty. Women will remember their parental home in their high spirits. Families will remember their daughters given away in marriage as per rules of society. So this tale has been mooted: Ma Durga comes to her parental home with children: Ma Durga comes to our home. So we rejoice. Ma Durga, incarnation of power of all Gods comes to our home like our daughter! So we pray too.
Can a better story be weaved by the humankind of love, affection, rejoicing and fulfillment!
So there is no stopping. Durga Puja gets grander by the years engulfing the whole world slowly and slowly. Painstaking efforts and art go to water bodies just after five days!
But just hold, what do we do really? Do business too keeping the occasion in the mind!
Somewhere there is religion, the Puja, being marginalized by the day in the grandeur.
But hold, does it not happen with all religions? Should one not show more restraint as far as the commerce goes? Or like sports, religions too must be converted to opportunities for more and more commerce and are fated to be the biggest industries of this world!