One day without you is like one day without air, like one week without food and a fortnight without water.
One day without you is like a month without sunshine or shelter.
One day without your voice is like a year's absence of the sound of music, or of birds, or of rain and thunder.
One day without your comfort is a week without sleep, for my heart knows no rest, and my nights give no peace.
One day without your love, and my days are empty of beauty; though I see around me everywhere others who are called beautiful, none of them compare with your visage as I gaze at your photo.
One day without speaking with you is like years alone in the wilderness or a deserted island; though I may talk with people on the streets, my soul has no communion.
One day without you is like a year in a prison; though I may come and go as I please, my soul knows no freedom.
One day without you in my life is like no life at all!