Theme: Affection

Rajnigandha Days


Destiny may not bring near
Or give another chance to live
But you shall remain as ever
My icon of friendship and love.

Those peerless moments of
Your propensity and vicinage
Through the Rajnigandha days
Are worth hundred years of life.

A man lives in moments
And I indeed lived mine for sure
Rajnigandha memories and dreams
Of our immortal affection and care.


[In this poem, Rajnigandha Days metaphorically represent  the "camaraderie and care of two people in a span")


Image © Dr. Jaipal Singh


More By  : Dr. Jaipal Singh

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Comments on this Poem

Comment Your beautiful couplet says it all! Thank you.

Jaipal Singh
27-Dec-2020 07:57 AM

Comment Nostalgic or otherwise
Romance never dies

Rajender Krishan
25-Dec-2020 10:28 AM

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