Theme: Life

Jigsaw Puzzle

Does one remember everything in life?
So many things happen in life.
Some pass in fast motion.
Some, in slow motion.
Those in slow motion
come to the easel of mind
again and again.
Those that went by in fast motion
come back to you only occasionally.
Not all events lend meaning to life.
Some do.
Some remain un-understood for long durations.
Suddenly, one day, at a certain moment
you discover
why it happened to you.
Life is a jigsaw puzzle.
At any point of time
the puzzle is mostly incomplete.
One by one
the pieces get fitted.
When one leaves the earthly show
Does (s)he leave with the satisfaction of seeing the jigsaw puzzle completed?
None will know till that moment comes.
None other will know.


More By  :  Sharbaaniranjan Kundu

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