The mischiefs,
incompetence and incapability
stare mockingly,
When one listens not,
what is echoed in silence
deciphers not
the hidden layers of sound
embraces not
what appears within reach
fails to search
what is not lost,
and tries to recall
what was never forgotten
Inebriated and helpless
yet indulgent, playing
futile blame games!
Does posing questions,
as a pseudo seeker,
in an illogical manner
offer any solution?
The challenges relationships pose can be achieved by self-introspection from time to time not by playing the blame game. But lessons are learnt the hard way!
Shelly Sharma 06-Feb-2021 20:54 PM
Doing mistakes and blaming others or correcting according one's own way is greatest blunder one does indeed in the world life !