Some images
do not get erased
from the library of
the mind, however
hard one may try.
There is no other reason
except an unrelenting attachment
to the events experienced
or the episode itself having imprinted
an indelible mark on one’s psyche
Introspective musing
of either the joyful moments
or the traumatic past,
propels emotional conflicts,
psychological and bodily humors
of passion and ecstasy
surprise and happiness
pain, tears and sadness
anguish, anger and wrath
disgust and fear
No wonder why
the seers suggest
to conquer emotions
and be free from the whims
of the oscillating mind
Memories are much deeper than we realise, we have them travelling from the past, far back through our DNA and they do cause ripples in every one of us. A poem with universal appeal..intersting reading from the beginning to the end and vice versa!
Neera Pradhan 10-Mar-2021 11:47 AM
Indeed profound memories of past never die in the heart, mind and soul too even after many, many years in world life!