Theme: Confidence

It's Your Call

If the world is backing you up against a wall
Don’t sweat! Push back with the inner strength you have
no matter how often you trip up and fall 

Tears will moisten your eyes and wet your face
But within are smiles ready to lift you up
flash them bright; your tears will leave no trace 

Yes, the din of chaos will frighten no end
but there’s a quiet that inside you resides
In it you will find truth and muscle my friend 

Do hate, anger, guilt tighten their hold on you?
Find the steadfast love that is yours to bestow
Don’t feed your misery. Live each day anew 

Empower yourself with these treasures you own
invincible master of your happiness!
This life is yours to set its rhythm and tone


More By  :  Shernaz Wadia

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