Theme: Winter

Waiting For Spring


Waiting for spring,
For leaves to sprout
And birds to sing,
Bare trees, no doubt,
Patiently hope
For winter to go,
Because they can't cope
Anymore with snow.
Image © Kulbir Bhalla


More By  :  Kulbir Bhalla

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Comments on this Poem

Comment Nathmal Sahib,

Thanks for your appreciation and wishing you all the best, all the time.

22-Jan-2022 08:04 AM

Comment Much near accordingly to this season and it's effect.Thanks.

Nathmal Sharma
20-Jan-2022 13:06 PM

Comment Yes but sometimes it seems an eternity away!

19-Jan-2022 15:36 PM

Comment Spring is bound to come: Is a cycle afterall:-)

Jai Pal Singh
19-Jan-2022 04:51 AM

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