Theme: Bird

Red-bellied Woodpecker


A red-bellied woodpecker descended
onto the honey locust tree
in my yard
I sipped wine
nibbled on mango-slices
and sunflower-seeds
I relish
the mangoes and sunflower seeds
so do the red-bellied woodpeckers
The woodpecker flew to the porch
and hopped onto the plates
bearing mango-slices and sunflower seeds
The woodpecker started pecking
devouring mangoes and sunflower seeds
just as a neighbor used to barge into
my modest dwelling
and dive in my plate of nuts
while I watched in dismay
I turned my back to go inside
to replenish wine
mangoes and the sunflower seeds
I hesitated for a moment
many stab-wounds flashed in my memory
but then I continued:
“Nah, it is a woodpecker
Not a human”



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More By  : Dr. Raj Vatsya

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