'I need sunglasses to be smart'
Barely three feet tall, she gave me a start!
'Will look trendy over my forehead ...'
The Spring sun was shining overhead.
Yes, it makes a good fashion statement
people will look at you in amazement
Also give you a stare vacant.
Attractive eyes are akin to the new morn
'sun-shaded' eyes mar, I said with slight scorn.
To explain, I displayed some photographs
upon which one could write paragraphs.
Non-verbal, yet these eyes communicate a lot
They appear benevolent, I said after thought.
'I don't want anyone at me to glare
or like a mannequin stare,
Indoors or outdoors, they are stylish'
in a tone no longer childish
‘I need sunglasses to safeguard my skin’
She uttered with an understanding grin.
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