They had been stranded on an island for days
Now the fates turned in their favour
For, by chance or not, the man discovered
A tiny boat, tied to a rock in a corner
The man and the woman, Maya, set out at once
With hopes for a new beginning; their tragedy now at an end
When halfway through, the storm clouds grew
And the ocean became a raging fiend
The terrified passengers prayed for their lives
Clinging to the boat that tossed about like a frisbee
When a huge wave rose and washed over them,
Plunging them into the turbulent sea
They were thrown apart, carried away by the waves;
Their hope of being alive, now a distant dream
When the woman realised, she was drowning,
And let out one last, hopeless scream
Down she went, swallowed by the waters
Her spirit ebbing in a long-drawn fight
When a distant memory came to her in a flash,
And she kicked and paddled with all her might
She finally broke through the surface
Grateful to the Lord for his merciful assistance
And was surprised to find the sea as calm as it could be
And the man in a boat, floating in the distance
He was sitting in a rescue boat, safe and sound
And when they spotted her and pulled her in too,
He said, “You’re alive! Thank God!
I was right here, looking out for you!”
The truth slowly dawned on her
And the illusion disappeared, like the mist in sun’s rays
Their misfortune had been an eye-opener,
To everything that stood the test of time
And to the hand that worked in mysterious ways.