Theme: Odyssey

Southeast Asian Odyssey

In Singapore, the city-state so clean and bright,
The towering buildings seem to touch the sky.
With gardens and food that delight,
It's a traveler's paradise, that's no lie.

The Merlion spouts water from its mouth,
As tourists snap photos without a doubt.
Chinatown and Little India so unique,
A melting pot of cultures that you can't critique.
Malaysia, so rich and diverse,
A country of flavors and colors that immerse.
From the bustling streets of Kuala Lumpur,
To the tranquil beauty of Cameron Highlands that lure.

Petronas Twin Towers, the tallest of its kind,
A marvel of engineering that blows your mind.
Batu Caves, a Hindu temple inside a cave,
A spiritual experience that leaves you amazed.

Thailand, the land of smiles and sun,
A place of beauty, where adventure has begun.
From the bustling streets of Bangkok,
To the sandy beaches of Phuket, we're not done.

The Grand Palace shines like a jewel,
The home of the Thai King, it's no fool.
Wat Arun, the Temple of Dawn,
A breathtaking sight that goes on and on.

The trip to Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand,
Was an adventure that we'll always remember of that land.
The sights, the sounds, the flavors and fun,
A journey that we'd never forget, we're not yet done.


More By  :  Renu Dhotre

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