Editor's Choice
Theme: Narcissism


Appears that I had not read you quite well –
Well, it wasn't love at first sight either!
I did have an uncanny feeling that
something wasn’t right; chose to ignore it,
not wanting to be judgmental at start!
We exchanged flowers, shared coffees, texted
sweet nothings: you were too subservient!
Now I can proclaim loudly to the world -
you wooed me to get into my good books,
you used me to gratify your urges,
seduced me with sweet words – Fallacious!
I began to think of you as a friend
who would walk the seven steps together…
How could I have been so naive? I know now
that all along, you worked hard to possess!
When you heard me talk about ‘family’
you resented it from top to bottom.
Your body language let it out - just once,
I got to see your narcissistic side…
Door shut! You’ve been beaten at your own game.


More By  :  Hema Ravi

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