Theme: Separate


I've never

Liked the



Ceramic bidet

That occupies

Extra space in

The bathroom.

Besides the WC,

Washbasin, shower

And bathtub, do I

Really need a bidet

In my bathroom?

As if I've a choice!

It's already there

In the bathroom

Of my bungalow.

Though I don't

Like it, don't use

It, but don't want

To rip it apart and

Dismantle it, lest

It spoils the flooring,

Plumbing and decor

Of the bathroom.

So long as I stay here

I need to put up with it,

Even though no one in

My family uses it.

None of my previous

Homes had it.

I've seen it in some

Hotels, but have never

Liked it, have always

Disliked it.

Whoever conceptualised

The making of this


Freestanding bidet,

I cannot relate to his

Thinking and concept

Of cleansing us in a

Standalone, separate



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More By  :  Aparna Chatterjee

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