Editor's Choice
Theme: Epiphany

Epiphany: The Journey of Self-Discovery


As I stand at death's door,
Reflections flood my mind.
The calculations, once urgent, now tire,
Anxiety grips, dread looms.
Awaiting the final verdict,
Fear seeps in, zeal wanes.
In this prolonged wait,
Regrets spawn unfulfilled desires,
A longing to rewrite the past,
To mend the broken threads of life.
Yet, as I observe others' pursuits,
Their relentless chase for more,
I realize the futility,
For nothing lasts forever.
Neither name, nor fame, nor wealth entice,
Each stage harbors its tale,
Of triumphs, of defeats,
Transient chapters in the book of life.
Alone, I sit, contemplative,
Recognizing the solitary nature of existence,
Each soul absorbed in its own narrative.
In this fleeting world,
Only one certainty remains,
Death, the ultimate equalizer,
Awaited by all, in due time.


Image © Mallika Tripathi


More By  : Dr. Mallika Tripathi

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Comments on this Poem

Comment Such a poignant verse describing the superiority as well as the futility of this life! WOW!

G Swaminathan
02-May-2024 22:35 PM

Comment So true and thought-provoking.

30-Apr-2024 19:34 PM

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