Theme: Dyes


Blue, green,
Purple, orange,
Mauve, yellow
And crimson red

Are these the
Flowers I see
From my bed?


They are the
Hair colours
I see on a
Dyed head.

The colours
Keep changing
Faster than the
Changing seasons.

In their race to be
Trendy, I wonder
If these fashionistas
Ever remember their
Original hair colour.

Do they even think
If they look good in
Their superficial hair
Colours or do they
Just keep flipping
From one colour
To the other in their
Race to outdo
One another?

I, for one, have
Never liked
Hair dyes. Be it
Black, white,
Brown, blond
Or red, I always
Prefer hair in its
Natural, original
God-given colour.


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More By  :  Aparna Chatterjee

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