Editor's Choice
Theme: Peace

In The Stillness

In the gentle embrace of morning's light,

Awake to the world, with spirits bright.

A canvas anew, painted with grace,

In every dawn, a sacred space.

Each petal blooms, a whispering sigh,

Nature's symphony, reaching high.

In the stillness, find your way,

Where soul meets spirit, every day.

Amidst the chaos, find your peace,

In love's embrace, all worries cease.

For in the heart, true wisdom lies,

Guiding us beneath the skies.

So rise, dear warrior, with courage may you ride

In morning's embrace we belong

In every heartbeat, where you reside

For love is life's eternal song.


Image © Arup Ganguly


More By  :  Arup Ganguly

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16-Aug-2024 03:44 AM

Comment Profound words, Arup Ji.

29-May-2024 06:23 AM

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