Editor's Choice
Theme: Longing

Walking Apparition


While waiting for you,
I realize the weight of years,
My vision fading,
Yet still hoping to see you return.
My heart beats with the fragile hope of reunion.

My hair, once a cascade of perfume,
Now turning grey, losing its luster.
Chasing your shadow, I wander in solitude,
Losing warmth, but still breathing,
Yearning to hear your footsteps at my door.

With each passing moment, my body grows colder,
My lips turn pale in your absence.
I cry, but my voice is swallowed by silence.
As the clock ticks, fear grips me,
Doubting our reunion.
I question my existence without you.

Like a corpse wandering in a desolate land,
I peer through the darkness,
Finding no comfort for my soul.
I regret each moment spent chasing illusions.

Desperately, I call your name,
But you remain deaf, absorbed in your pursuits.
I weep, I repent, I wither away, etching in the sand:

"Return while I still breathe,
For no love can be kindled on a pyre."


Image © Mallika Tripathi


More By  : Dr. Mallika Tripathi

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