Theme: Loss

The Sea Widow - Part 1

Stirring inside her womb

Evolving, gestating

The fruit of her loins

With his mother’s eyes

His father’s curly hair,

Another month to go

Before he enters the world.

Sadly his progenitor won’t be there

He will be lost at sea

Never to return. 


She stares out of the window

Watching the returning men doff their caps

Nodding their heads in sorrow.

She brushes back streaks of grey

From her once lustrous hair

As the pains now get stronger. 


She doesn’t want to be here

When the child, now five, asks

Why did the sea kill my father?

There is no answer.

The island, once a safe haven

Is now filled with deathly portents

For the sea widow and her child. 


More By  :  Kewal Paigankar

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