Theme: Prayer

My Prayer

God, kindly bestow 

The wisdom to know 

What life is all about,

So I go about 

Doing Thy duty:

Seeing Thy beauty 

And singing Thy song 

All lifelong,

With renewed zest, 

Whatever my test.


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More By  :  Kulbir Bhalla

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Comments on this Poem

Comment Dear Kulbir Ji,

You are welcome.
I'm glad you liked the pearls of wisdom.

Aparna Chatterjee
22-Jul-2024 06:02 AM

Comment My gratitude for your appreciation, Arunaji.

21-Jul-2024 19:48 PM

Comment great message. Thanks Kulbir.

Aruna Batra
21-Jul-2024 11:27 AM

Comment What a beautiful, deep, simple and yet profound prayer... thank you.

21-Jul-2024 06:57 AM

Comment Aparnaji, thanks for enhancing my verse with such timeless words of wisdom.

21-Jul-2024 05:51 AM

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