Theme: Legacy

Did You Pay For This Day?

Did you pay for this day? 

No, it came your way,

A gift given to you 

For you to do 

Whatever you choose, 

So don't just lose

This priceless gift—

Use it to uplift

Humanity around you 

With what you do;

Prioritize your time:

Make moment sublime,

And leave something behind 

That will continue to remind 

Of the good you did, 

Of the good you did. 


More By  :  Kulbir Bhalla

Views: 209     Comments: 3

Comments on this Poem

Comment Harish, thanks for your appreciation.

27-Jul-2024 08:22 AM

Comment Deeply inspiring.
May each one of us be Divinely lead to
seek His will in ALL we do

27-Jul-2024 07:39 AM

Comment Beautiful lines

Harish Dhawan
26-Jul-2024 16:06 PM

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