Theme: Monsoon

Monsoon Wind


The wind is gusting, the wind is blowing
like a waterfall busting, a waterfall flowing
It wafts the mist right across in a hurry
makes the rain go by in a horizontal scurry
Treetops it sways, bends them to its will
branches it flays, not for a moment is it still
it draws down feisty rain from the clouds
in gloominess the whole land it shrouds
The powerful sun for days has stayed hidden
even a little peep it has been forbidden
impenetrable grey the hilltops cloaks
invisible are their crowning silver oaks
Bundled in woollens, puny men huddle in fright
You are scrawny, powerless against my might
Says nature’s frenzy, as day after day goes by
And feeble mankind yearns for the sun on high

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More By  :  Shernaz Wadia

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