Theme: Water

Drop of Water

Tiny but myriad in stature
life in vigor to offer,
but mere the drop of water

the eyes see it fall from the blue

shiny as a pearl in shine
a steep flight as the right
a fall for verdant wealth

seeds sown deep rise to the lower skies

a sojourn from ethereal to real
a fall to fill a heaven thru the heart
open to the rays for solar secrets

the shower knows where the ray kisses

a fest at its best is manifest
a pretty damsel in full dazzle
a bridge in her somersault

a gaze at huge charms for sweet chasms

a picture beyond skilled brushes
in heavenly seven, shines in its reigns
to say it is not tiny but shiny

a majestic show in the sky in magic ways

the drop of water and the rays
a matrimonial communion
for a paradise of off-springs

hearts celebrate when it feasts the eyes

it excels the pictures of painters
in imitation of its colours
the aesthetic heart charters.

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More By  : Dr. K. Rajamouly

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