Theme: Despair

Is this the Freedom we wanted?

It is now about R.G. Kar, it could be any other
It is about our daughter, girlfriend, wife, sister or mother
Is this the kind of freedom we wanted to be there
Where shadows stretch long over feelings of despair?  
Our daughters cry out in silence, do we hear?
Should the world turn a blind eye to their fear?
It is now about R.G. Kar, it could be any other
Is this the world we sought for our daughter, wife, sister or mother?
In the stillness of night, the darkness creeps,  
Innocence shattered, the devil rises, as safety retreats.  
Bodies once cherished, now lost to the cold,  
Even the dead are not spared, find no refuge, no hold.
It is now about R.G. Kar, it could be any other
Is it still a freedom for our daughter, wife, sister or mother?
Let us march with our voices, as we gather our tears,  
Demanding a justice that echoes our anger and fears.  
For every lost daughter, let a fire ignite  
A call for one and all to stand up and fight.  
Is this the freedom we dreamed of in light?  
A world where our girls face the fangs of the night?  
No more silence, no more despair,  
We rise for our daughters, our hearts laid bare.  
It is now about R.G. Kar, it could be any other
It is time we stand up for our daughter, wife, sister or mother
Let justice resound, let courage take flight,  
Together we stand, moving with all our might, reclaiming the night.  
For every soul lost, for every scream, for our freedom dreams 
We demand a future where culprits are punished, where safety redeems. 


Image © Arup Ganguly


More By  :  Arup Ganguly

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