Editor's Choice
Theme: Victims

Women, Victims Of Men

Women, victims of men, 

History continues to pen—

Such is the story, 

Which brings no glory 

To an animal called Man, 

Who definitely can 

Control fires in his mind 

To put violence behind 

And for his wellbeing,

Be a good human being.


More By  :  Kulbir Bhalla

Views: 260     Comments: 4

Comments on this Poem

Comment I agree with Anjana.

Aparna Chatterjee
28-Aug-2024 01:11 AM

Comment I read a long time ago that men who love their women, make them bloom!

I think there's a lot of truth to that statement....

27-Aug-2024 18:25 PM

Comment Bharat, my gratitude for your appreciation.

27-Aug-2024 17:20 PM

Comment Superb- just Superb

27-Aug-2024 12:06 PM

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