Theme: Violence

Domestic Violence

Mummy and Daddy quarrelling, 

Brawls, altercations raking relationship,

Damaging conjugal bonding 

Which children seeing, 

Unable to say or side with 

In their tender age 

But a silent witness to that, 

Failing to give evidence, 

Quarrels uncouth, 

Bruises speaking 

What can we turn into anger 

When out of temper! 


Their complaints and grievances many, 

None will come to the table to compromise, 

The rift burgeoning, 

Which children marking 

But unable to comment 

What is happening, 

Backbiters trying to overhear 

Like torchers, not firefighters in gear 

After having given a match to dry haystacks 

They happy to see the house burning, 

Things set on fire. 


Children seeing them doing Ramlila

Looking awe-struck and frightened 

Thinking what to do, what not, 

Whom to call, whom not, 

Where the judge to be brought from, 

Who to deliver judgement, 

How to broker it justice, 

When will anger quell, normalcy return, 

Wisdom will prevail, 

When will things rest in peace? 


Situation worsening, turning bad to worse, 

They are appalled to mark, 

The same parents looking lovelessly, 

Not hearing them, 

But instead, are engaged in fights, 

Falling short of wrestlers and boxers 

In duels and bouts, in free rounds, 

Where the match-referee to  

Whistle and stop it? 


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More By  :  Bijay Kant Dubey

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