Editor's Choice
Theme: Life



Can silence be deafening?

Can solitude be threatening?

Can one’s own company 

Become exasperating?

Can what one learned in life

Turn meaningless?

Can one’s knowledge

Become his enemy?

Can the once lovely relationships

Turn frail and purposeless?

Can all the unfounded fears

Turn real and threatening?

Can the things once honored

Turn slowly purposeless?

Can all the faith one reposed

Turn miserably disloyal?


That is what one realizes

As aging catches up.

Sad, they feel so because 

They overlooked  

The philosophy of life

That any and everything 

We hold close to us

Are not ours but transient

Just like fleeting fireflies. 


Image © istockphoto.com


More By  :  G Swaminathan

Views: 297     Comments: 2

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Comment Thanks you Kubir-ji!

G Swaminathan
12-Sep-2024 21:41 PM

Comment So profound!

12-Sep-2024 06:19 AM

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