Theme: Worship

It's Karma, Karam Puja Time

Karma time, 

It’s Karma time, 

Let us go, 

Go to the woods 

To collect branches, fruits and flowers 

To pay homage, 

Homage to Karam God, 

Karam God who has come, 

He's come to our house, 

Representing harvest, fertility 

Youth and greenery!   


With the drumbeats 

Doing the rounds, 

The folks dancing and singing, 

Karma comes, 

Festivity of Karma, 

The joy connected with 

Worship, song, dance and romance, 

Love and reverence, 

Devotees fasting, worshipping 

Offering and celebrating Karma, 

Village folks and the countryside and woods 

Reverberating with Karma songs and beats of music. 


More By  :  Bijay Kant Dubey

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