Editor's Choice
Theme: Fear

Let The Fire Still Burn

Is the fight over, or still just begun?
In shadows we linger, hearts heavy as stone.
Fear lingers still, a ghost in the night,
With fangs that once glimmered, poised for a bite.
Do we await the dawn, hoping peace will emerge,
Or rise from our silence, let our courage surge?
For every wound lingered, a lesson to learn,
In the ashes of fear, let the fire still burn...
Why are we afraid, in silence we tread,
Has the blood already dried, the voices all fled?
The echoes of torment, once sharp in the mind,
Now whisper like shadows, elusive, confined.
Don’t we hear the cries of anguish and pain,
Fading like whispers in the back of the brain?
The scars of the past seem distant, unclear,
Yet deep in the heart, there is still the fear.
Do we have a stand to take, a voice to reclaim,
Or let apathy rule, extinguish the flame?
In stillness let us ponder, as courage awakes,
To rise from the silence, whatever it takes.
For each drop that was shed, a story untold,
In the fight for the fallen, let the spirit grow bold.
Let us not look away, nor let the cries fade,
With strong resolve, for no longer to be swayed.
Shall we turn around, reclaim what was lost,
Face the echoes of pain, despite the cost?
Fangs be raised, but we wield our own strengths,
Turning fear into courage, we’ll go to great lengths.


Image © Arup Ganguly


More By  :  Arup Ganguly

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