Theme: Halloween

Doctor Jekyll & Mister Hyde

It's pitiful when I think about how many people have died.
I'm Doctor Jekyll and every night I become the evil Mister Hyde.
My situation is terrifying and it's also very strange.
I created and drank a potion that makes me change.
The potion that I created makes me murder over and over again.
Even though I feel remorse for the murders, I won't turn myself in.
I become a monster and yesterday, I killed a thirteen-year-old boy.
Mercy is never shown when I change, Mister Hyde always destroys.
I read the newspapers and that's how I learn who has been slain.
People are horrified because I've caused plenty of terror and pain.
I can't stop changing and I've never been caught, Hyde is still on the loose.
I won't turn myself in because I'm afraid that my head will be put in a noose.
You probably call me a piece of human garbage and you're right as rain.
I deserve to be executed because of all of the people who have been slain.


Image © Randy Johnson


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