Theme: Sunset

A Sunset So Amazing

A sunset so amazing 

Nature was showing 

With the clouds glowing 

That I kept gazing, 

Admiring how nature's hand 

Can make a bland scene

Look spectacularly serene, 

Like a dreamland.


A sunset so amazing,

A painting in the sky 

Making me high, 

So I started praising 

The Artist behind this show,

Who was saying, 

Who was displaying 

That she was a pro. 


A sunset so amazing,

Such a treat for my soul 

My joy I couldn't control, 

For the heavens were blazing 

With beauty really divine

That I stood spellbound—

A treasure I had found 

Truly a gold mine. 


Image © Kulbir - FotoArt International  


More By  :  Kulbir Bhalla

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