Theme: Obituary

Ratan Tata

You had to depart

For us to know your worth

You had to say adieu

For us to know what was our due


A man whose greatness the world didn’t know

When he moved unnoticed amidst thronging crowds

And trod the earth – a silent goliath

Unconcerned with glory and wealth


Today, when you have gone

All are praise for the fortune

Of an exemplary life you taught

May that not come to naught

For we are a forgetful lot


A nation bows its head in reverence

May you, Sir, like a beacon shine

And inspire us through our Indian nights

Of ignorance and lack of foresight


Adieu! India’s great son always upright

May your lessons never be a waste


More By  :  Madathil Rajendran Nair

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