Theme: Courage

If You Dare

You tiny little thing,
You twitter and tring,
What if I eat you up?
When will you grow up?

My fate, why sing?
You arrogant king,
Today or tomorrow,
But glory I will bring…
Not an easy prey
I will be for you today…
I’ll make my run a maze,
You’ll struggle on the stage…
No wisdom, you bloody fool,
One leap, I’ll kill you cool,
You are so stupid and young,
Why die before you school?

I will valiantly fight and die,
I am not scared or shy.
You are mighty powerful,
I know I am vulnerable
But as long as I am alive,
I shall not hide in the hive…
I love to enjoy my freedom,
Don’t want any stardom,
But I will prove my valour.
We too are creatures of Nature,
Shouldn’t submit to your stature…
Life, short or long, who cares,
He gains honour who dares…


More By  : Dr. O.P. Arora

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